The ‘dark earth’ revealing the Amazon’s secrets


Amid the discovery of a lost city in the Amazon rainforest, scientists are uncovering a different kind of relic underground – one that’s still being used today. Deep within the Amazon, Mark Robinson was up to his knees in buried treasure. Together with an international team of scientists, Robinson was on an expedition to a […]

Visualising the Great Pacific Garbage Patch


In 1997 Captain Charles Moore was sailing from Hawaii to California when he noticed a steady stream of plastics bobbing in the ocean. He had discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Over a thousand miles from land in the central North Pacific Ocean, the boat captain and oceanographer Captain Charles Moore puzzled over the source […]

AfD: Germans float ban on elected far-right party after scandal


Germany is wrestling with a potentially explosive debate over whether to ban the far-right party Alternative for Germany, or AfD. Germans have been shocked by revelations that senior figures attended a meeting where mass deportations were allegedly discussed. A growing backlash has sparked large protests and public condemnation. The AfD, which cont

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